Out of college? Is internet entrepreneurship for you?

If you come to think of it, there’s nothing quite like online business. But it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. If you really want to start one, find out if it’s the kind of start up you are looking for. Follow these simple tips and then call the shots.

The times are just right to make an online market presence felt. If you are a young entrepreneur who is just beginning out of college, this is just the perfect time to start something online. With the economies becoming unpredictable by the day many entrepreneurs, are inclining towards taking their business from mainstream to online. That being said, how safe it is for you as a start up is the vital question.
First start as a hobby
Let your new online business be a hobby in the first year. This is the safest way to go about it. So while you are an entrepreneur, you are also making a full-time salary. It’s not too time consuming if you’re operating it online. Let it be something that you take up aggressively on the weekends and work hard during the evening. This will ensure you have a strong base for financial security for your start up.

Look for Collaborations
If you are not an IT expert, fret not. Not all internet entrepreneurs have to experts at programming. What did the young FabAlley entrepreneur know about the programming bit? You have a number of resources through the web who can help you. A lot of freelance programmers with the right set of skills are available from across the world and are a great bargain. Collaborate with them and make things easy for yourself.
Start it small
An idea works on the internet like striptease. When Freecharge started off they didn’t provide coupons for all the big brands. There were only teasers. This helped create a stir. Let the audience look forward to more. Take it easy and give away only some info in the beginning. If the idea catches on in the internet community, you will have enough funding coming in from all quarters. 
